
Jean-Michel Raczinski, born in 1957, lives and works in Paris.


Self-taught artist, he has been painting since childhood. He studied composition, visual perception, color symbolism, different techniques and art history at the École du Louvre, among others.


His works have been presented at the Salon des Indépendants in Paris, at the Salon de Montrouge, at the Salon d'Automne de Saint-Mandé and in Parisian galleries: Claude Dorval, Panijel, Didi.


An electronics engineer passionate about music, Jean-Michel worked with composer Iannis Xenakis on the creation of computer tools dedicated to musical composition. He also participated in the development of a start-up in the field of digital audio.


Today a fully-fledged artist, his painting tends towards a free and sensitive abstraction, sometimes regulated by numbers, in search of beauty, beyond emotion, towards the essential, the invisible, a form of eternity.



current exhibition

Cercle des Artistes de Paris, Parc Floral de Paris from April 25 to May 26, 2024


every day from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

weekends and public holidays from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

opening on Thursday April 25 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Nymphéas entrance, Pavilion 18

free exhibition, park entrance €2.60



recent exhibition

39th contemporary art week, Saint-Mandé town hall from November 18 to December 3, 2023


Of Dante – in whom he is interested – Jean-Michel Raczinski only remembered the sky!

He joyfully spanned hell and purgatory to find himself first in heaven and then in the invisible.

This invisible, he passes through. Does he only go through it?

He goes through it of course but he does more: he settles there because in fact the invisible is his domain; he settles in and savors its thousand and one nuances; He makes these nuances his own – even if for the visitor, they may have to be deciphered.

But this music of a thousand nuances insinuates itself into your body, your mind, your soul.

From transparency to transparency, this music weaves time.

Attach yourself to his works, be inspired by his works: perhaps you will see them come to life to lead you into his journeys into the invisible.

Invisible? No, because it is there, within reach of body, mind and soul.

With elegance, he inhabits this invisible, thus striving to make this very special presence felt.

Make the works of Jean-Michel Raczinski your own because little by little this presence will invade you and gradually will never leave you.

The transparencies coming from the different profiles apprehended will then quickly populate your body, mind and soul.

Let yourself be carried away, transported, listening to this reality, this sky, and this invisible so present.

The works of Jean-Michel Raczinski lead you to see, touch the sky and this invisible thing that he never ceases to sing, to exalt, with his whole own body, with his whole own mind, with his whole soul!

Sky and the invisible are there, they are waiting for you to bring you into these worlds – which we willingly leave aside so as not to be disturbed – so rich in philosophy, in grace, open door to this world, – this dream may be – of earth, of sky, this invisible world, the world of the sacred.

Do not miss them!


G - Leo

September 2023