
What do these transparencies veil and reveal?

This series of paintings on Plexiglas offers a game between reflections and breakthroughs.

The support is more or less pure, transparent, reflective, distorting, distorted sometimes like this world.

It absorbs more or less of our image which, dispersed between the interstices, becomes matter and background of the painting but also mixes with the paint in a more delicate and subtle way.

Support and paint both send us back a part of our image, for what purpose?

At the same time, the transparency of the support, more or less affirmed, transports us to the other side of the mirror, more or less easily, through our image too, for what purpose?

Flux and reflux, resistance and opening, passage where the painting seems to float in the air.

Get out of the frame, of painting, to go where?

It's like the sky: you can get lost there, you can find yourself there too.